EarthRanger Configuration

Immobility analyzers in EarthRanger monitor the movement of subjects and can automatically generate events and alerts about their lack of movement (e.g., to detect when an animal is sick, injured, or has expired).

EarthRanger evaluates mobility each time a location update is received. If a subject remains within a specified radius or time duration, an immobility report and alert are generated. Events are also generated if the subject becomes mobile again (i.e., moves beyond the specified radius). A user can receive alerts about a subject's mobility/immobility status by subscribing to an alert notification (LINK TO Alerts and Notifications ARTICLE) for the Immobility and Immobility (All Clear) events.

Creating an Immobility Analyzer

  1. Create a subject group (LINK TO SUBJECT GROUPS ARTICLE) (if it doesn’t already exist) with the sensors you want to monitor.
  2. Add an Immobility Analyzer:
    • Go to Home > Analyzers > Immobility Analyzer, then select Add Immobility Analyzer.
    • On the Add Immobility Analyzer page, enter a unique, descriptive name (e.g., "Elephant Immobility Alert").
    • Select the subject group from Step 1.
    • Click Save.
  3. Add an Immobility Event Type (if it doesn’t already exist):
    • Go to Home > Activity > Event Types, then select Add Event Type.
    • On the Add Event Type page, enter the following:
      • Display: Immobility
      • Value: immobility
      • Category: Analyzer Event
      • Default Priority: Select Gray (default), Green, Amber, or Red.
      • Schema: Paste the Immobility Schema (refer to the table below).
    • Click Save.
  4. Add an Immobility All Clear Event Type (if it doesn’t already exist):
    • Repeat the steps above but use:
      • Display: Immobility All Clear
      • Value: immobility_all_clear
      • Schema: Paste the Immobility All Clear Schema (refer to the table below).
Immobility Schema Immobility All Clear Schema


"schema": {

"$schema": "


"title": "EventType Immobility",

"type": "object",

"properties": {

"details": {

"type": "string",

"title": "Details"


"name": {

"type": "string",

"title": "Name of animal"


"cluster_fix_count": {

"type": "number",

"title": "Cluster Fix Count"


"total_fix_count": {

"type": "number",

"title": "Total Fix Count"


"cluster_radius": {

"type": "number",

"title": "Cluster Search Radius"


"probability_value": {

"type": "number",

"title": "Probability"




"definition": [










"schema": {

"$schema": "http://json-",

"title": "EventType Immobility",

"type": "object",

"properties": {

"details": {

"type": "string",

"title": "Details"


"name": {

"type": "string",

"title": "Name of animal"


"cluster_fix_count": {

"type": "number",

"title": "Cluster Fix Count"


"total_fix_count": {

"type": "number",

"title": "Total Fix Count"


"cluster_radius": {

"type": "number",

"title": "Cluster Search Radius"


"probability_value": {

"type": "number",

"title": "Probability"




"definition": [










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