Animal Tracking


Connections with Argos will be available through the Gundi Portal soon. To configure your devices, kindly reach out to Gundi Support  ( for their assistance. 




Devices sharing data with Argos ( can be integrated with Gundi supported systems accepting wildlife movement data



  • Data type
    • Movement data ✅
    • Alerts ❌ (not supported yet)
  • Supported destinations:  EarthRanger Movebank



  • Argos account (username and password)


Configurations Available

The Gundi integration allows you to filter out any location classes that you don’t want to receive. Argos has a variable called a “location class” which indicates the accuracy of a GPS location fix. Valid values are:

Value Mean Error (m)
3 < 250
2 250 to 500
1 500 to 1500
0 > 1500
A No accuracy estimation
B No accuracy estimation
Z Invalid



Limited to 15 days of history.


Future Plans

None planned. Please let us know if you would like any updates to this connection.



  •  “Platform ID” is used as the subject name.



Guide for Technical Support Link


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