EarthRanger v1.3.8

Updated at July 27th, 2024

What's new in this release 🚀:

Message field in Report an Issue will be mandatory to submit a Report. 

To have a better clarity and support you in the best way possible, we made the message field on the Report and Issue view mandatory. This will only allow you to send the logs if there is a previous message explaining the issue. 





Fixed - Report areas persist when returning back from collection fields

Previously, when creating a report with report areas and adding collections to it some data was lost when returning from the collection fields. This bug has been fixed and now the report area persist even when adding collections. 





Database of user on Login

When logging out from the app, the user used to loose the database information of the cached reports and patrols. 

In this new release, the user will be able to log in to the app with the same user without having to populate their database and lose the data collected. 

It is imperative that is the same user as previously logged of, otherwise the data will be lost and a new database will be created. 


